Leverage a wide array of simple, ready-to-use templates to design and manage batch, interactive, and on-demand customer communications. Create personalized communications by selecting desired fonts, images, and messages. Insert secured e-signatures, and embed targeted marketing offers.
Communication Templates of NewgenONE Platform

Ready-to-use Template Library
Central library of standardized templates to ensure design consistency
Master templates and Components repositories to enhance reusability
Wide variety of templates, including welcome notes, e-statements, payment acknowledgements, promotional letters, and more
Template Approval and Management
Check-in and check-out with base-lining functionality for version control
Tailored workflows to set up a multi-level template approval process
Maker-checker capability and template reading/writing per defined roles and privileges
Multi-lingual Support
Template processing in different languages, including English, Spanish, Portuguese, and more
Delivery of communications in customers’ preferred languages
Auto-import/Export of Templates
Auto-import/export designer templates, enabling reusability across users and environments
Hassle-free import of existing PDFs and Word documents into designer templates
Notifications and Reporting
Automatic alerts and notifications on template approvals
Detailed template utilization reports with graphs, charts, and drilldowns