Capture data and content from multiple sources, including scanners, hot folders, mobile devices, and multi-function printers, and translate it into actionable business information. Furthermore, enhance organizational efficiency by streamlining the three core areas of enterprise-level information capture—scan, transform, and deliver.
Content Capture Capabilities of the NewgenONE Platform
Enhanced Imaging Quality and Data Integrity
Apply intelligent image enhancement techniques for improving the quality of scanned images. Transmit data quickly with automatic image compression and cropping. Validate compressed record images during export, ensuring data integrity throughout the process
Faster Indexing, Document Classification, and Content Extraction
Automate indexing for faster document identification. Extract data smartly for accurate and efficient field population. Identify document types automatically by using NewgenONE Marvin, eliminating manual sorting efforts. Create templates easily with auto-filled data fields and doctype suggestions.
Smart Data Handling and Reporting
Adjust data fields dynamically based on filter conditions for streamlined management. Import picklist values effortlessly via CSV files to minimize manual data entry and ensure accuracy. Customize exported reports seamlessly with personalized messages and headers to meet unique business requirements
Advanced Data Management and Workflow Optimization
Perform barcode lookup and precise document filtering using wildcard characters. Simplify data entry workflows with default values and automated filed population. Create work-items and perform quick searches based on specified field values
Multichannel Content Capture and Paperless Processing
Integrate scanners for seamless data capture. Convert paper-based processes into digitized data for efficient management of high-volume production environments
Security and Content Auditing
Secure captured content through authentication and role-based access. Maintain comprehensive audit trails of content capture and delivery