Automation in silos is not enough. Enterprise workflow automation software streamlines the front-end customer-oriented functions to back-office operations. The software helps an enterprise, like yours, to boost workforce productivity, improve task completion accuracy, ensure process auditability, and enable accountability.

Customer Experience vs. Workflow Automation

Customer experience has been given a high priority in the last decade. So, the business focus has been more on optimizing front office operations. But interestingly, over the previous two years, the need to improve efficiency and productivity has gone beyond and come closer to the need to look at customer experience, which is more of back-end operations. This cements the need for end-to-end enterprise workflow automation solution. Enterprise workflow automation in the back office tends to have a much more significant financial impact. Today, the true breakaway technologies like artificial intelligence, automation, and the ability to manage structured and unstructured data seamlessly are reinventing the front and back offices.

Enterprise Workflow Automation Transforming Business Landscape

While you are digitizing the front office considerably, the back office has to be updated and upgraded. The power of digital transformation in the back end increases your operational efficiencies and fulfills customer expectations.

Benefits of Workflow Automation

Proper tools and technologies embedded in an ideal enterprise workflow automation system help you streamline various business processes, bring agility to the business workflow, save costs, and provide excellent customer service.

Cost Savings

To stay ahead of the competition, you need to meet the changing needs of your customers, employees, and businesses. Here’s where the role of low-code comes to the fore. Low-code development ensures that your organization has the required flexibility and agility in its IT infrastructure and business processes. By leveraging workflow automation tools and technologies, like robotic process automation (RPA), you can empower your workforce by simplifying their repetitive work and reducing turn around time by sending it through straight-through processing. This allows you to reap a high cost, save time, and help you to make large-scale investments in the long term.

Enterprise Workflow Automation- Newgen


Whether it’s CRM, BPM, back-office, etc., you will not get the true benefit if they don’t talk to each other. API capabilities connect several systems operating in the whole organization and help you get inputs from there. Ready-made connectors can be built using APIs, making the capability plug-and-play and reusable. This help the back office in maintaining the SLAs, giving response to the front end so that the end customer is benefited.
Intelligent Decisions: Data is the new fuel. Vast chunks of data are produced daily from various digital devices used globally.  An ideal workflow automation platform with embedded AI/ML technologies can help you utilize those data optimally, understand your customers, predict their requirements, and make intelligent business decisions.


The environment gets very complex as you keep adding different technologies. An ideal enterprise workflow automation software with good architecture and background helps you in your business operations and fast project delivery. An agile DevOps, DevSecOps becomes a critical component of your whole ecosystem. It allows you to build around alerts, monitor the tools to check security, and design privacy as part of the design.


Per Findstack’s cloud computing trends for 2022, 81% of enterprises have reported that they have a multi-cloud strategy already laid out or in the works. Cloud technology helps you access resources without investing in new hardware or software. It can also scale up in certain peak times of the year and maintain the service levels and the expectations of the people you serve.

Customer Experience

Today’s customers want everything at their fingertips. A customer may be raising a complaint, making a request, or giving suggestions, all at the same time. An ideal workflow automation system has ad hoc routing, rule-based workflows, case management capabilities, and robust integration capabilities that help simplify the overall enterprise workflow automation.

Understanding with Examples

Per Acumen Research and Consulting, the global workflow automation market accounted for US$ 12,161 Mn in 2021 and is estimated to reach US$ 78,811 Mn by 2030, with a significant CAGR of 23.4% from 2022 to 2030. Irrespective of the industry, every department of an enterprise can use workflow automation software to simplify their operations:


Enterprise workflow automation streamlines end-to-end processes, from purchase request and vendor selection to final invoice generation and disbursement of payments. Integration with enterprise resource planning systems, third-party applications, and legacy applications helps seamlessly manage day-to-day operations.

Human Resource

Enterprise automates your HR processes, empowers your employees, and increases organizational efficiencies. It streamlines all your processes from employee onboarding, off-boarding, timesheets, and appraisals.

Complaint, Appeals, and Grievances (CAG) Management

Workflow management system streamlines the inflow of CAG requests through various sources, such as email, paper, e-mail, web portal, and others. The rule-based engine prioritizes transactions and enables intelligent case routing resulting in faster and more accurate resolutions.

Legal Department

Enterprise workflow management software enables legal firms and corporate legal departments to manage case-related content and communications intelligently. It can generate legal documents based on pre-defined parameters. In-built features like template libraries, clause libraries, rule definition, and robust integration capabilities with core systems make legal document generation and management simple and efficient. All these can be achieved with lower operational costs.


By leveraging modern workflow automation solution, you can empower your sales force by automating and streamlining all the stages in the sales process, pricing discounts, proposal approvals, quote approvals, etc. It increases your sales team’s productivity and helps them faster in converting opportunities into deals.

In Conclusion

Today, organizations with antiquated processes struggle to grow with manual or semi-automatic operations. Modern entrepreneurs give equal weightage to operational excellence and customer experience enrichment. By leveraging enterprise workflow automation software, you can ensure that the back offices get equal attention to the front-office activities. It can help you automate the organization’s overall process, from the simplest departmental functions to the complex business-wide operations.

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