Enable the supply of relevant and accurate financial information with an effective record-to-report (R2R) automation solution to facilitate strategic and timely decision-making. Process and streamline existing transactional data to gain visibility and insights into the organization’s financial performance. Achieve operational efficiency with R2R’s unique features, including automated alerts and reminders, turnaround time management, multi-level approval, and audit mechanisms.
Features of Newgen Record to Report (R2R) Software

Transaction and Report Scheduling
Defining of scheduled transaction and reporting activities as daily, weekly, monthly, etc.
Auto-triggering of notifications for scheduled activities
Journal Entry Upload
Bulk excel upload functionality of journal entries with support for different types of entry types
Auto-validation of Standard Chart of Accounts (SCoA) with the ERP
End-to-end Activity Tracking
Recording of each transaction to eliminate the chances of repeating, missing, or omitting entries in the accounting books
Chronological recording of journal entries/vouchers for clear visibility and evidence-based insights based on call-recording analysis
Unified Comprehensive Interface
Single application for all R2R activities
Integration with multiple disparate systems to provide a single user-friendly interface
Exception Handling and Auditing
Checklists to eliminate errors and ensure process compliance
Centralized and web-based audit mechanism to maintain end-to-end audit trails
AI-powered Continuous Monitoring and Alerts
Intuitive dashboard to effectively monitor journal entries/vouchers and process turnaround time
AI-driven Rule-based alerts and notifications for timely decision-making
Brands using NewgenONE Platform