The procure-to-pay process (P2P) is extremely complex—spanning multiple systems and operations. The process involves huge cash flows and is often prone to money leakages, inefficiencies, and fraud.

Our P2P automation software helps to mitigate these challenges by streamlining the end-to-end process, from purchase request and vendor selection to final invoice generation and disbursement of payments. The software provides a unified user interface, allowing organizations to integrate with different ERPs, to gain visibility into the complete transaction lifecycle and to reduce the risk of fraud and inefficiency.

Features of Newgen Procure to Pay Software

RFP Comparison and Evaluation

Grouping of purchase requisitions based on the defined parameters

Automated comparing of multiple quotes to identify the right vendor

Self-service Vendor Portal

Provisions for vendor onboarding, invoice submission, tracking status, flipping purchase orders, and raising queries

Increased visibility and control for vendors

Omnichannel Processing

AI-powered Invoice capture through various channels, like email, EDI, mobile, scanned documents, FTP, and portal and processing

Multi-level approval based on the delegation-of-authority matrix, with various options to approve/reject a transaction via email, mobile application, or company portal

Holistic View of Underlying Workflows

360-degree view of transactions, with insights including pending advances, manual coding suggestions, duplicate rate, and vendor straight-through processing rate

Identification and removal of process bottlenecks

Intelligent Document Management

Maintenance and segregation of various documents in a defined structure

AI-driven extraction of header and line-level information from semi-structured documents and result comparisons to ensure data accuracy

Unified Systems and Processes

Integration with ERPs, third-party, and legacy applications for seamless push and pull operations

Unified systems and processes for shorter turnaround times and better resource utilization

Brands using NewgenONE Platform
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