It’s Time to Ditch Your Legacy ECM

Is your enterprise struggling with volumes of mismanaged content, paper-based documents, and the inability to access the right content at the right time? If yes, then this can be a sign that your enterprise content management (ECM) is legacy and outdated.

By 2025, the amount of data generated each day is expected to reach 463 exabytes globally, as predicted by Seed Scientific. Today, you are not only required to seamlessly manage this wealth of content but also utilize it to gain insights for fueling business growth.

Enterprise Content Management System

Content Services Platform: An Ideal Partner for Your Enterprise

To simplify content-centric processes and derive meaningful insights from the ever-increasing content, your enterprise needs more than just a legacy ECM. The Content Services Platform represents a contemporary and comprehensive approach for content management, surpassing traditional enterprise content management systems.

Leading analysts have defined a content service software as a tool or set of tools an enterprise uses to strategically leverage their growing content, data, and document to drive business growth. Content Services Platform enables an enterprise to create, collaborate, share, transform, and leverage content to transform business processes and derive valuable insights.

Key Benefits of a Content Services Platform

Unlock the capabilities of content and data through the utilization of a Content Services Platform:

  • By leveraging such a comprehensive platform, your enterprise can:
  • Enable anytime-anywhere information access and management
  • Discover and search contextual information from millions of documents within seconds
  • Ensure end-to-end management of enterprise content from digitization, storage, orchestration to archival
  • Deliver a seamless customer experience through faster and personalized responses
  • Improve efficiency and ensure smarter decision-making through intelligent content classification
  • Ensure compliance and document security through standardization, security by design, and robust records management

Empowering Content and Data Excellence: Your Content Services Platform

A legacy content service system hurts your organization’s digital initiatives due to its inability to cope with the evolving customer needs, employee expectations, and business dynamics. Therefore, you must invest in a modern content service platform that meets current requirements while helping you stay future-ready.

Newgen’s Contextual Content Services Platform (CSP) enables end-to-end management of enterprise content, connects content and processes with context, and enables organizations to go digital. Read this eBook to gain insights into how you can modernize your legacy ECM with Newgen.

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