Before upgrading the cloud version, customers receive release notes detailing the planned upgrade’s features and capabilities. They can then select the features they wish to incorporate from the proposed upgrade list. After approval, the upgraded version undergoes user acceptance testing before being implemented. In containerized deployments, customers receive updated docker images with the latest product versions. For on-premises upgrades, changes are communicated to customers by the project team, verified in UAT, and then implemented in the production environment. Every six months, customers receive a Product Direction document outlining major releases and future plans. In private cloud deployments, customers have control over the platform version, with changes stored in a version control repository. However, in public cloud deployments, Newgen controls the platform version.

In the Newgen low-code platform, deploying new application versions without downtime is achieved by running two versions concurrently, ensuring uninterrupted service. Existing transactions continue on the current version while new ones are directed to the updated version, allowing for seamless updates and continuous operation.