Event Driven Integration

NewgenONE offers a comprehensive suite of event handling and integration capabilities, including predefined event handlers for initiating, concluding, or terminating processes and pausing, activating actions, or calling APIs. Event listeners within processes can trigger actions based on events from other processes or external systems, such as discontinuing a loan request if a customer is flagged in the CRM system. The platform incorporates Complex Event Processing (CEP) to gather data from multiple event streams, detect patterns, and trigger notifications or automated responses. Integration of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) enables bidirectional interaction, allowing a bot to be activated from a workflow based on an event and vice versa. Additionally, NewgenONE provides connectors for subscribing or publishing to JMS and Kafka queues and topics, capturing real-time data from various sources and configuring workflows accordingly. The platform leverages Webhooks for real-time, event-driven communication, enabling automated workflows and instant notifications. It also supports AsyncAPI for managing asynchronous communications, ensuring reliable and scalable interactions in event-driven architectures. These robust features facilitate seamless integration, data consistency, and real-time responsiveness, enhancing overall efficiency and automation within the platform.