Leverage Newgen’s capability in master data management to ensure consistency of data and information across channels, applications, and third-party systems. Users can easily create, manage, and delete master data tables according to their unique business needs, enabling centralized data management. By enforcing governance policies and standardizing enterprise data, Newgen facilitates valuable business insights for informed decision-making.

Data Model Design Capability of NewgenONE Platform

Visual Data Modelling and Management

Newgen offers a user-friendly graphical interface and wizard-based process for streamlined data modeling and management. It provides prebuilt data types such as currency, phone number, and binary, expediting the creation of data models. Additionally, Newgen incorporates entity relations (ER) diagrams to visually represent intricate data structures and enables multi-level approvals for master data update requests, enhancing accuracy and data consistency.

Data Virtualization and Synchronization

Newgen provides a centralized repository ensuring a single source of truth by consolidating data from various applications and systems, including third-party sources. The platform seamlessly integrates with external data sources, allowing direct data exchange and acquisition of data object schemas. It offers built-in connectors facilitating data retrieval from diverse SQL and NoSQL databases like MySQL, SQL Server, Postgres, Oracle, MongoDB, Snowflake, CouchBase, and more. With advanced capabilities in join and arithmetic operations, users can efficiently fetch, sort, and filter data from external database connections.
The NewgenONE platform connects to both on-site and online data sources, allowing data synchronization between different databases with configurable frequency settings to keep information consistent across locations. Users can modify data schemas in source databases via a database management tool, navigating to “Schema” or “Tables” sections to make changes. The platform also enables the creation of data objects with CRUD operations, allowing users to manipulate data across the platform and external systems. These operations are performed via APIs directly on external sources or on logical copies of data objects within the source database using system functions exposed as APIs.

Data Object Reusability

Newgen expedites data model creation by importing data objects from external systems in Excel and JSON formats. It ensures consistency and accuracy across portals and processes through defined data object templates, minimizing errors and enhancing standardization. Additionally, Newgen enables the export of any data object or structure for enhanced reusability while separating the logical data structure from the actual data source, facilitating the reuse of logical data definitions.

Data Security and Encryption

Newgen offers the ability to mark data fields as read-only, mandatory, or unique, ensuring data consistency. Additionally, it provides data masking and encryption features to safeguard sensitive user information, along with detailed audit logs for monitoring security breaches, performance issues, and compliance requirements.