Mobile App development Features

Mobile Architecture – NewgenONE facilitates a hybrid mobile architecture, enabling developers to construct mobile apps compatible with various platforms like iOS and Android through a unified codebase. This architecture grants developers access to native device functionalities such as the camera, accelerometer, GPS, and file systems, ensuring users experience a native-like interface while developers harness all device features. It includes an MDM module for device registration, tracking, and application access control. The apps developed feature advanced imaging, document capture and robust offline capabilities, which seamlessly synchronize upon reconnection to the network. Utilizing the REACT Framework, applications are highly responsive, adjusting to various device resolutions. Web portals are automatically converted into progressive web apps, providing a native app-like experience on mobile browsers. APKs for native apps can be generated and distributed using MDM tools like Microsoft Intune or MobileIron. The platform integrates with proprietary app stores and third-party distribution platforms.

Advance Mobile Capabilities – Embedded features encompass integration of video capture functionality, facilitating the recording and editing of videos seamlessly within the application. Additionally, advanced imaging capabilities enable automatic document capture within both iOS and Android applications, streamlining user tasks and enhancing application efficiency. Moreover, the platform boasts advanced optical character recognition (OCR) capabilities, supporting barcode, QR code, and MRZ code scanning. Furthermore, it offers support for custom UI controls, empowering developers to craft distinctive and visually captivating interfaces tailored to their application’s needs.