Customer Overview

Established in 1851, the customer is a leading life insurer and financial services organization. It offers a range of products and services like annuities, term insurance, disability income insurance, and more. Operating on legacy systems, the insurer sought a solution to automate its manual processes and securely manage its documents.

Challenges Faced by the Customer

  • Manual case handling led to the risk of misallocation and duplication
  • A decentralized email repository caused scattered information and compliance issues
  • Lack of real-time reports led to delays in decision-making
  • Absence of a quality system for emails caused issues in managing content and monitoring performance

How Newgen Helped

The configurable Document Management System(DMS), built on Newgen’s low-code Process Automation Platform (iBPS) platform, offered the customer a unified repository and digitized complex workflows.

Benefits Achieved

By implementing Newgen’s DMS, the customer was able to:

  • Automate letter generation for field inspections in minutes
  • Distribute cases at intake in seconds
  • Generate monthly status letters for each case instantly
  • Improve interdepartmental collaboration

Download the complete case study to read more about the value delivered and modernization journey.

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