The Struggle with Digital Transformation (DX) is Real

Digital transformation offers an opportunity for every industry and business to thrive. Change is happening rapidly today, pushing enterprises to seek, embrace, and effectively manage digital transformation. But the reality is that most of these efforts struggle to succeed. Research by McKinsey & Company indicated that less than 30% of organizations were able to achieve their stated objectives as they embarked on transformation efforts. Some of the common roadblocks they have faced include inadequate strategic planning, poor time management, and lack of right talent.

Digital transformation can be complex, and this complexity only increases if organizational systems are not in sync.

Upending DX Challenges: Low Code Platform is the Answer

To succeed with DX initiatives, enterprises need to break down their larger digital transformation objectives into smaller and manageable goals. And then deploy technology or tools that can optimize their systems and processes.

Low code platforms offer the perfect opportunity for companies to manage complexities and put the wheels of DX in motion. To break it down, low code software development necessitates minimal coding and resorts to visual application development. It can automate the most complex of business processes and digitally transform them in the shortest possible time. Low code platforms are a true game-changer for many companies because it offers rapid application development, flexible integration, and quick innovation for all.

To learn more about the capabilities of a low code platform, here is an interesting podcast by Newgen Software’s Global Head of Marketing, Hemant Makhija. He decodes digital transformation and provides actionable insights on how companies can consider jumpstarting their path towards DX. He also shares an interesting success story how a leading health insurance provider developed and launched a core health insurance system using Newgen’s digital transformation platform with low code capability within eight months.


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