The application’s autoscaling policies are managed through AWS Autoscaling, ensuring continuous monitoring and adjustment of capacity to maintain consistent performance. Amazon CloudWatch monitors the environment for anomalies and triggers autoscaling based on predefined thresholds for CPU and memory utilization. For containerized deployments, such as Docker containers, container orchestration services like Amazon EKS and Azure Kubernetes are utilized for autoscaling. The Newgen platform supports both auto and manual scaling, with auto scaling policies defined at the Kubernetes level. Each container within Kubernetes is defined as a Pod, allowing autoscaling based on CPU and memory usage targets. This configuration ensures that the platform automatically adjusts to high processing demands without delays.

Vertical and Horizontal Scaling

For application hosting containers, manual scaling is employed to adjust their capacity in response to concurrent usage requests, either horizontally or vertically. Benchmarking is conducted to determine the optimal user limit based on the implemented solution. Infrastructure is provisioned according to business needs and expected workload. In cases of increased user load requiring scaling, Docker support orchestrates the addition of new JBoss instances and effectively manages the workload.

External-facing applications require dedicated hosting to minimize downtime, with heightened security measures to counter external threats. Scalability is crucial to meet fluctuating user demands, while robust support and continuous maintenance ensure optimal performance.